3D-OMAN | Al Dhaherah Advanced Projects LLC
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Chairman’s Message

Chairman’s Message

I am being a proud and honoured citizen of country like Oman which has a rich in heritage, uniqueness, tradition and cultural values well known to the world from ancient to modern times

It gives me immense pleasure to be a majestic man under the ruler, His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said who’s vision has transformed this country from nowhere to a developed nation being witnessed now within a short span of 40 years. Oman offers its countrymen a protective, safe and secure environment enabling their citizens to lead a peace and harmonious life.

Oman is a jewel in the desert and the ruler His Majesty is a crown for the people of the sultanate. My motivation to serve the nation stemmed within myself since my childhood. I have learnt a lot, gained enormous knowledge, received good things from His Majesty and from this country and have realized the time for myself to contribute to the development and growth of the nation in whatever way I could to strengthen His Majesty’s Glorious vision.

Generating profitability alone is not an intention of the business, but to provide unconditional service and value to development of the country and the fellow citizens. Hereby, I pledge to stay as a responsible citizen, continuously striving towards the country’s progress until achieving the goal, will utilize every opportunity that shall lead to the country into a land of paradise and put all efforts to showcase the achievement to the whole world.

I wish all the very best for our father and commander His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said for his future endeavors toward the growth of the country. May the Almighty God bless him abundantly with good health and remain as a Great Leader, supporter and shelter forever to the people of Sultanate of Oman.

- Chairman